- Listen to the audio a few times and follow the music notation with your eyes.
- While listening to the audio and reading the music notation, tap your foot to the beat and sing along (“Too, Too, Too…”).
- Without the audio, play the song on Coda, very slowly at first, reading the music notation.
- When ready, play along with the audio.
Remember to play notes for their full duration. For example, a whole note should last 4 beats and a half note should last two beats, but beginners often cut the notes short.
With that said, the following symbol is called a breath mark: 𝄒
A breath mark indicates a convenient place to take a breath. In order to do so, you have to steal a tiny bit of time from the last note before the breath mark. Quickly inhale a full breath through your mouth, not your nose, expanding your stomach area rather than your chest area.
Point to the breath marks in Mary Had a Little Lamb. How many breath marks are there?
The next song in Unit 1 is Sou Gan.
Mary Had a Little Lamb