Before you continue, we’d just like to ask you a few routine questions:
- Where were you on the night of January 3rd?
- Is there anyone who can testify as to your whereabouts?
- How many measures are there in Fly, Tiny Bug?
- How many beats are there in each measure?
- What type of note lasts one beat?
- What is the time signature?
- What do you call the things that look like apostrophes?
- How many lines does the musical staff have?
- Where is the B note located on the staff?
- What does BAG spell? Oops, is that one too easy?
Be sure to read the answers at the bottom of this page — especially number 6.
Very good!
- Listen to the audio a few times and follow the music notation with your eyes.
- While listening to the audio and reading the music notation, tap your foot to the beat and sing along (“Too, Too, Too…”).
- Without the audio, play the song on Coda, very slowly at first, reading the music notation.
- When ready, play along with the audio.
Answers to a few routine questions:
- Classified
- Redacted
- Seven
- Four
- A quarter note
- 4/4 time (pronounced “four-four time”). People often say, “This song is in four-four.” 4/4 is so common that it’s also called common time. For this reason, sometimes they put a big C (for common time) in place of 4/4 on the staff at the beginning of a song.
- Breath marks
- Five
- On the center line
- Uh, bag?
The next and FINAL song in Unit 1 is Snail, Snail.
Fly, Tiny Bug
