Before you continue, we’d just like to ask you a few routine questions:

  1. Where were you on the night of January 3rd?
  2. Is there anyone who can testify as to your whereabouts?
  3. How many measures are there in Fly, Tiny Bug?
  4. How many beats are there in each measure?
  5. What type of note lasts one beat?
  6. What is the time signature?
  7. What do you call the things that look like apostrophes?
  8. How many lines does the musical staff have?
  9. Where is the B note located on the staff?
  10. What does BAG spell?  Oops, is that one too easy?

Be sure to read the answers at the bottom of this page — especially number 6.

Very good! 


  1. Listen to the audio a few times and follow the music notation with your eyes.
  2. While listening to the audio and reading the music notation, tap your foot to the beat and sing along (“Too, Too, Too…”).
  3. Without the audio, play the song on Coda, very slowly at first, reading the music notation.
  4. When ready, play along with the audio.

Answers to a few routine questions:

  1. Classified
  2. Redacted
  3. Seven
  4. Four
  5. A quarter note
  6. 4/4 time (pronounced “four-four time”).  People often say, “This song is in four-four.”  4/4 is so common that it’s also called common time.  For this reason, sometimes they put a big C (for common time) in place of 4/4 on the staff at the beginning of a song.
  7. Breath marks
  8. Five
  9. On the center line
  10. Uh, bag?

The next and FINAL song in Unit 1 is Snail, Snail.

Fly, Tiny Bug

In order to better support our extended family, we moved from Connecticut to Georgia in 2024. As a result, we’ve had to put our business on hold for the time being. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you! Our hope is to return to the market in 2025 with new, improved products, but only time will tell.🙂
Warmest regards,
Karl Ahrens