Play Anywhere!

Coda Basics
Tiny: Coda is only 5 inches long (12.7 cm), so you can bring it along with you. As a reference, Soprano recorders are usually about 12.5 to 13.25 inches long (31.75 to 33.655 cm).
Tough: Coda is made from a resilient, food-safe polymer and is designed to be tough enough so you can bring it along without worrying about breaking it.
Light: At only 2.4 oz (68 g), Coda is so light that you forget you have it on you.
Great Sound:
The Shady Woods Of Truagh
Carolans No. 176
Silent Night
USA National Anthem – The Star Spangled Banner
Two Chromatic Octaves: Pitched in the key of C, Coda plays the notes B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C with all the sharps & flats in between. This gives you the range you need to play in different keys and to play a wide repertoire of music.
Intuitive Fingering: Coda’s patented Uni-Phi fingering system keeps fingering relatively intuitive while allowing a wide range of notes in such a small instrument. This makes it easier to improvise and to play challenging music.
Here is a link to the Fingering Chart:
If you are visually impaired, go here:
Coda Clip: With the OPTIONAL Coda Clip, everyday carry is even easier. Simply keep Coda clipped to your belt, waistband, or front pants pocket.